isn't that word (schtuff) just so fun to say??? come on.. try it... just like it sounds... kind of just rolls off the tongue nicely, doesn't it?...
alright... let's see... first off - Brooke tagged me so I guess I've gotta tell all you friendly peeps 7 random things about me... feel free to skim this part... I'm really not all that intereting.
1. I have lived in Korea twice. My father was stationed there for 2 years when I was growing up and then DH was stationed there. His was to be an unaccompanied tour but I was like "you're not leaving me! I'm comming with you!"... so the two older boys (they were just 6 months and 2) and I flew over and lived in a little Korean Villa for a year (with DH of course ;)
2. I had my last two babies at home (planned) and LOVED it!
3. I'm the B.I.G.G.E.S.T. scaredy cat! I'm still afraid of the dark - so when DH was deployed to Iraq.. I slept with lights on for like the first year! LOL
4. I have fallen out of a moving vehicle before - growing up, seatbelts weren't really enforced and one time (actually coming home from the hospital from getting my arm in a cast) my dad took a corner... and out I went! had to go back to the hospital :(
5. Before my "digital days" -- I had done some freelance work for Memory Makers
6. I can sing the whole song "Part of your world" from The Little Mermaid with no prompts :)
7. I absolutely LOVE cereal!! any and all kinds of cereal! I could eat it for every meal of the day. seriously. In fact, I have... many times :)
alright... Got 2 LO's to share.... and they are both by me! (I know.. shocker, isn't it??) I've got a Week In Review ongoing album and I'm getting BEHIND - so I did a LO for it tonight.. it was when I was gone to girls camp last month (so I'm not that far behind - hee hee) I haven't posted these yet so I can't link you to the credits - so guess I'll do that here.The template is from the
Ready to Scrap Vol 13 pack by Chantal Taake. Papers are from my new 5th Avenue and the little sticker embellies are by Holly McCraig.

This one is using a template by Tracy B, stamped flower by Kaye and the papers are by Kim Christensen. Isn't my little baby boy just absolutely ADORABLE!!! when my 3rd son was this age - our whole family was part of a wedding so I got this little tux (you can't tell from the pics but it's a full tuxedo with cumberbun and TAILS on the coat! -- I'm going to have to do another photo shoot soon where Nathan cooperates and stands up to show off the suit - LOL)

let's see what else... oh with my dh having drill this past weekend- he missed the whole HP frenzy but is out right now (yes it's like 1:30am here) driving to all sorts of walmarts in search of a copy! He actually just found one at the neighboring city's WM -- he's flying back out of town in a few hours and wanted it for the flight...
anyway.. guess I'd best get to bed myself... if you're still reading - I'm impressed! Chat again later....