Wednesday, May 30

My BEST Template Freebie - LOL

ok... I was on a roll with posting and such... I'm making it my goal to post everyday for the rest of this ENTIRE WEEK! Seeing how it's almost Thursday -- I think I can manage that! PLUS I will have some really -- ok.. better than *really*... I will have some extremely F.U.N. news come Friday morning! I can hardly wait and I have been burning the midnight oil getting prepared!

Alright, I have to be honest with all you peeps... I had an alterior (is that the right word I'm looking for???) motive with today's Freebie. You see... I did this LO last week of my youngest

turning 8 months old. Truthfully, I think it's a very well layed out design and I think all of the products I used on it work together PERFECTLY! (Just FYI: I used my Swass Mask (the swirl), my Not So SIMPLE SOLIDS (neutral pack), my cardboard and Tracy B's stitching...). So I get this LO all done and resized for the web and upload it to like a bazillion galleries (ok... like 3, but still -- and I only got a handfull of comments on it :( and that's a collective number from all galleries! So... I wanted to put it here on my blog so I can show it off again - LOL ... oh, and if you feel so inclined to tell me how much you love it, I'll be your best friend! hee hee

OK.. with that being said... since I really do think the overall design was great, I turned it into a Template. I'm excited to say that it features one of my new Swass Masks that were recently released. Hurry and snatch up this beauty because I'm only offering it for 24 hours!

EDITED: I left the link up for over 3 days... but it is expired now! sorry guys!

Thursday, May 24

Weekly SHINES!

so I think I did pretty good in the blogging department this week -- considering this is my 4th post since last weeks SHINES were posted! A lot of you sure had fun with the Swass-ness of my new releases - LOL. I am sooo grateful that you all have given me such great support over this last month :) and I'm super glad that so many of you like the Swass Masks and Frames (I hope you all feel like you know how to use the masks now ;)...

ok... on to the SHINES! The participants this week will each receive a $5 Gift certificate to my store -- have fun ladies!!

Tuesday, May 22

Public Service Announcement!

ok... if I could insert an "oopsie" smiley -- right now would be an appropriate time! Alright... it seems that I attached the WRONG file to the GOT LANDSCAPES? template pack!! can you believe it!!!!? If you have purchased the Got Landscapes... you will notice when you unzip the file that it is the GOT SHAPES? templates - just keep the Shapes set and drop me an email -- shandyvogt @ . If you have your store receipt that would be helpful but not necessary... I will just doube check it against my store invoices. You will then recieve the correct link to get the templates. I fixed the link yesterday - so this would be in effect for purchases prior to yesterday afternoon. I'm so sorry for the inconvience! Don't hang me, k? :)

Monday, May 21

Sticker Doodle Frame Freebie

this'll be a quick post.... Just wanted to come put up this little Freebie for you guys :)

I also really really REALLY wanted to thank all of you have purchased from me. I wish I could send you all a personal email letting you know how much your support means to me. I know that there are literally THOUSANDS of designers out there - so to have you visit my store just means so much! Thank you! Also, just a reminder that the BLOGREADER coupon worth 50% off your entire purchase ends tonight (Monday).

So, here's a package of some doodly stickers that are frames (yeah, I know.. real original name for them - hee hee) but pick them up if you think you can use them :) Have a terrific Monday! Download them here

Saturday, May 19

What's a Swass Mask???

alright.. I've gotten several requests on how to actually USE the Masks... so thought I'd pop in and give a brief "how to".... Basically, in a nutshell, it works just like a template.

(1) You would import a photo (or paper of your choice) and place it ABOVE the mask layer.

(2) With the photo as your active layer - In PSE hit Ctrl+G (Ctrl+Alt+G in PSCS2) and this will clip your photo (or paper) to the mask

(3) Using the move tool, you can manipulate the photo until you are happy with the end result

here's a little visual for ya! (this is a photo of my #2 and #4 Ds - aren't they cute?!)
I hope this helps clear things up for some of you :)

housework vs. scrapping!

I really *should* be doing some housework.... but that's not as fun as scrapping and blogging, right? hee hee.... My DH has been out of town most of the week so I desperately need to do some catch up before his plane lands - EEEKS!

I must say I'm thrilled so many of you have taken advantage of my "Blog Reader" coupon at the store. I must admit there's been several "full price" orders and I have felt soooo guilty that they didn't get the discount! But then I reminded myself that I was doing this as a special gift JUST for my blog readers... so then I didn't feel so bad - LOL

Also wanted to share 2 more LO's that my team created today using the Swass Frames (top LO - Books) and the Swass masks (Bottom LO - Beautiful Hair)... they are also both using the new NOT SO Simple Solids. They were too swass NOT to share! -- enjoy!
My 5 year old is dragging me out the door to jump on the tramp again (remember what happened last time? hee hee... ) my ankle feels like 95% back to normal so he thinks I'm good enough to jump.... wish me luck!
ETA: I'm sure you guys were all just on pins and needles wondering if I survived the tramp... so thought I'd come here and ease your minds - LOL... yep... everything well smooth and no further injuries occured! HOORAY!

Friday, May 18

SWASS ALERT!!! (and a special gift)

hee hee... just wanted to type that! Although Swass Alert is probably a great Title for this post... I've got several new goodies I just finished uploading to my store and wanted to share the preview of them... these are totaly Swass if I do say so myself (so couldn't resist naming them that - LOL)... For your scrapping pleasure, here are some new goodies available...

I just wanted to mention that I am also offering these new items in Combo Packs with some additional savings... :)

Here's a LO that I created using the Swass Masks and paper from the NEUTRAL solids pack.
and here are some incredibly inspirational LO's that my CT (aka: the Swass Posse) whipped up this week -- aren't they sooo cool! there are sooo many possibilities with these Masks and Frames that I'm hoping that next weeks SHINES are full of them!) (and ps: the top 2 LO's and the bottom right LO are all using FANCIFUL for the papers and elements :)
alright... now I made mention to a "special gift" in my title - so let's move on to that! .. I'm not going to advertise this anywhere but here... so this is my little *Thank You* to my blog readers... Here's a Coupon Code worth 50% off your ENTIRE purchase at my store. It is good right now through Monday night (the 21st) and can be used multiple times. Just enter BLOGREADER during the checkout for your discount to be applied.

SHINES & a Colossal Freebie!!

Hi everyone! I keep telling myself that I need to post more than once a week! But truthfully, each spare moment I get... I'm working on new designs to bring to you :) -- but I know that I like it when I get regular updates from my favorite designers (hee hee.. did you see how I snuck in that subliminal message - LOL).... so I'm going to make a goal to post 3 times in this next week.... I know, I know... now you all can rest peacefully at night knowing they'll be some updates (and most likely a few freebies :) from me in the next few days!

Alright, I've gone on long enough... let's get to the real purpose of this Post -- to SHOWCASE THIS WEEKS SHINES!! oh yeah!

First up we've got AMBER W. (top left) and BRITTNEY L. (top right) both illuminating some sweet Swass Lo's using the Island Woods collection (Brittney also used one of my templates) - WTG ladies! Bottom left is sent in by JULES the Confidence papers really meshed beautifully with her picture (and props to Jennilyn for the cool template she used -- and yep.. snagged up that beauty myself!)... and then KELLY sent in this incredible LO using Paramount! Love them all ladies! Next batch are my Template peeps :) (so only the template is created by me.. the fabulous kits used belong to other fabulous designers!)
This top left LO using my FANCIFUL kit was sent in by LISA C. (who BTW is just starting out designing so go check her out.. she's also got a contest going on right now!) As you know... I always give a little something special to the wonderful gals who participate in my weekly SHINES and of course, this week is no different :) I've decided to give each of them the set of my new SWASS FRAMES! so check your emails ladies :)

Of course I couldn't forget my faithful blog readers... so here's a product I created and thought I'd let you all have first dibs on it for FREE before I added it to my store (I'll keep it here for a week... then it'll only be availabe for purchase - so snag it quick!). Download Got Stitches? Colossal Style here

Thursday, May 10

New Products - hooray!

just wanted to make a quick post that I just put a few more goodies into the store. First I didn't want any 8.5x11 scrappers to feel left out at Shandy Vogt Designs... so... I made up a tempalte pack for you guys! They are in landscape view and can totally help you out in making swass LO's!

and then.. I started playing around with making some stickers and all of a sudden... FANCIFUL was created! LOL.. here's the preview for it (it's found under the mini-kits section at the store)...
and here are some LO's that my wonderful team has made using Fanciful! This first one is a LO that I actually scrapped up today during naptime (and the folded paper is part of the free add on pack found in the next post down....)

SHINES & Fanciful Addon Freebie!!

wow! what a week it has been! I've been busy designing new things... getting my new CT up and running (which BTW - they're awesome! and I'm sure you guys have seen some of their work in the galleries about town)... On a personal note: I was attempting to be a *good* mom and jump on the trampoline with my 5 year old... something went wrong and i heard a loud P.O.P.! and I went down! OUCH!! did something terrible to my ankle... so we hobbled back in and snuggled for some movie time. We're leaving in the morning for my dh's grandpa's funeral (about 6 hours away) and I'm not looking forward to the throbbing that will inevitably accompany me with my foot not being elevated.... His grandpa was like 95 and lived a great long life so this isn't a *super sad/sudden* death.... but hearts are broken nonetheless...

OK... shifting gears now.... I got some terrific SHINES to show you, so let's get started!!!
there weren't as many as usual (but I'm thinking that's becuase now I've 17 people on my CT - who normally were some of the regular contributers! LOL)

I guess this was the template of choice this week! LOL... This is one of my newest template
additions - GOT ADS? Here's the next group of wonderful LO's These are using my templates (with other incredible designers papers) the top left is a freebie one and the other two are both from GOT SHAPES? and this last group of awesome LO's: Top left Lo by Dara using last weeks SHINES gift (Liberty). Top Right by Chrissy - also using Liberty as well as myy cardboard cutouts and characters... Bottom left is by Kelly using the Confidence papers -- look at that cutie!! and bottom right is by Lisa C. also featuring the Liberty papers! Great job ladies!!! Each of this weeks participants will recieve the full kit of FANCIFUL -- so check your emails ladies! I hope you enjoy it! here's a freebie addon for you all to enjoy! Download the Fanciful Add on here

Monday, May 7


alright ladies... I spent the majority of NSD pouring over all of the submissions and personally emailing each applicant (if you didn't get a response from me... (1) check your junk mail.. I was told that one of my emails ended up in their junk folder - GASP and if it's not there.. please drop me a line -- I dont want anyone to feel "missed")

Everyone had such great talent that it really was a T.O.U.G.H. decision I had to make! Finally I narrowed it down and here's the newest members of the SWASS POSSE:
**credit to Amanda Roberts for the Pretty Shabby Frames that I used**

Thursday, May 3

Policemen & SHINES baby!

yep.. you guessed it! It's SHINE time again here at SVdesigns! I already showcased several throughout the week (so if you missed them.. feel free to scroll down and browse :) Before I begin.. remember 2 weeks ago I mentioned how I went to traffic court for driving on a closed road? and how the judge said that he would have probably done the exact same thing? and then he STILL fined me - LOL... well.. I had 2 weeks to pay the fine. I've been so preoccupied with my new store and CT call and everything.. that I TOTALLY FORGOT!!!! so.. I remembered this morning during Nathan's nap and I start freaking out... so as soon as he gets up, I get him and Ben (my 5 year old) dressed up all cute and stuff and have me get all "done up" (ya know.. so we look like respectable people going to the courthouse to pay a late fine...) so we get there and as I'm unloading the boys.. Ben says "can I tell the policeman that you tie me up?" I was like "WHAT?!@?!??" Where on earth did you get that from??? I was like "um.. no, that's probably not the best thing we can say." He doesn't drop it and goes on to say "what do you think the policeman will say?" I was like "Ben!.. we CAN NOT say that to the policeman... ok, sweetie?!" then he says "oh, it will be funny, mom!" Thankfully he decided maybe it wouldn't be so funny and did not say that to them... and yeah.. I have NO CLUE where he came up with that.. and for the record -- I DO NOT TIE UP MY CHILDREN - LOL. Oh, but the whole point of this was so I pay it and guess what... the county clerk says that since it was due yesterday and I'm a day late... my liscence has been suspended!! what??!?! more fees? can I even drive home? am I stranded?? I was NOT a happy lady.. but I was sweet as honey to the clerk - hee hee... anyway.. long story short.. I call the DOT (or whoever the clerk told me to call) and they actually give an extra week before they suspend the liscense.. so I was fine :) PHEW! I was relieved!! so yeah.. moral of the story... don't pay your tickets late -eeeks!

alright.. onto a lighter note here are the AWESOME SHINES for the week!!!

First up...gotta give it up for the SWASSness of these 4! they each use one of the Swass borders. Top left is by JoANN... top right is LYNN L. bottom left is CHRISTY S. and bottom right is by DALE ANN C.
alright.. now how FUN are these!!! all 4 of these are using all papers/kits by me and each is using a template of shandy vogt designs as well :) In the top left LYNN L. used the new Paramount kit to showcase these cool pics of her dh. top right is CHRISSY W. bottom left is LOUANN and bottom right is JULIE -- :)
these next 3 are using some other talented designers papers/elements but each are made with a template of mine...
Here are some more AWESOME LO's! The top 2 are both by the talented LYNN L. (top left is using Pink Candy and top right is Paramount)... and both bottom LO's were craeted by the talented LISA H. (bottom left featuring Island Woods and bottom right using If You Dare and Nature Papers and the Cardboard Cutout Arrow).
and how fun are these 8.5x11 pages! and how much more fun that all 3 of them used the CONFIDENCE paper pack!
alright... wow! are you guys all inspired yet??? yeah.. me too!! :) here's the SHINES gift that each of this weeks participants will be receiving - it's from the paper I used to make the DOUBLE THE LOVE chipboard hearts freebie from earlier this week -- so check your emails ladies!!! thanks again soooo much for sending me these awesome LO's!

Wednesday, May 2

New Products + Freebie

A couple of new products I just put into the store tonight :) I got lots of comments on how you like the concept of the glitter outlines to be seperate so that you can customize them to match any LO... so I made up a set of glittery outlines for my Cardboard Characters. I've got them individually (for those of you who already have the characters...) and then I also bundled them together for future customers :) What's really cool about these (ok.. at least to me - LOL) is that you know when you are working with "real" glue and glitter... you inevitably get those globs here and there where the glue and glitter are much more thick... well.. I put them on these as well for a more realistic look :) I was quite pleased with them - hee hee

and then I've also got this ne kit up - called Paramount. Now for this particular kit -- there is a way you can get it for free! How is that, you ask? Well all you have to do is participate in the challenges over at Scrapgarden and this is the digi prize for participation! Pretty cool, eh? Also all of these items are each 30% off for the next 3 days (until Saturday night). Now that's what I call swass!
and then I also had done this template up (back when i was working on the "got shapes" pack and this one didn't make the cut - LOL... so... here ya go! hopefully a few of you will like it :) I was being a bit lazy and didn't zip it up.. so it's just the psd file to download from 4shared.

Download template here

Be sure to check back tomorrow for the weekly SHINES! :) You'll all be in for a special treat! As always - there's some great submissions and I can't wait to show them off. There's still time if YOU want to add yours in -- and I've already got the SHINES gift all packaged and ready to go to the participants :)

good afternoon!

I just wanted to pop on real quick and say that you guys are REALLY making this CT call hard on me! I was hoping only like 6 people would apply so I wouldn't have to make any decisions and everyone could be on my team - LOL .... unfortunately that isn't the case so I will be faced with a hard task! But on the bright side... It really makes me feel so happy that so many have actually wanted to create for me! wow! thanks for the UPLIFT :)

I also wanted to remind anyone who's interested in the weekly SHINES... I'll need your LO's by tomorrow night to be included. I wanted to go ahead a post a couple that have come in. Both using a template from my newest template pack - GOT ADS? This design was my favorite out of the group and I loved seeing it in action.
This first one is by Chrissy W. She also used the Island Woods kit. Aren't her 3 little guys so handsome!! looks like they're having a blast there at the beach!
and this second one was send in by Monique. What a totally adorable little girl! Who can resist a cowgirl with new pink boots!!!

oh I also wanted to point you all in the direction of some cool things :) :)

Jennilyn opened up her new site this week and it is DEFINITLEY one of the coolest designed sites!! CONGRATS to her!! That's quite a big undertaking! It's so bright, fresh and fun -- just like her designs! It's totally worth checking out! oh, and her little daughter drew the image for her home page! how fun is that!

and also Heather has a set of 20 unique flower brads up for grabs today!! they are totally cute and would be a great accent on any LO! While there.. be sure to scroll down and see all of the yummy goodies she's been hard at work creating!